Thursday, January 27, 2011

Finally put some excitement in this week

            Sooooo....I'm not what you would call a kid lover or an animal lover. As life would have it, I ended up with 4 kids. 2 of my own and 2 stepchildren and some fish. I love my fish. Nice and quiet. Cheap to feed and if I forget about them, they'll still be there. Well for about 2 years my family has been BEGGING for me to allow them to get a dog. Well my stance has been that I have 4 kids and they all live like animals, so no need for another animal, right? Well I broke down this week. I did it, I got us the dog. After much thought, I decided that I could take it on. You know everybody swears they'll take care of it....(insert the rolling of the eyes and sigh here). So I knew it would be up to me.
             So my search started on Craigslist yesterday morning. I saw an ad for labrador puppies. I knew if I was going to do this, that it had to be a puppy, for the safety of the kids. If it grows up around kids and being petted while its eating, I won't have to worry about anyone's face being ripped off. I visited the website listed on the ad and found that it was an animal rescue place. So I take a deep breath and start dialing the phone number on the ad. No one I leave a message. I think, well maybe that was the sign...but no my message gets immediately returned. I ask a few questions and make an appointment to go see these puppies. I didnt know what to expect. Was I going to take it home today? Is it old enough to go home with me? I dont even have food bowls, could I just pick it up another day? You swear I never owned a pet before.
              So I get there...I walk in and there were 3 black lab puppies playing around with each other. They all looked the same. Fluffy and black. The only differences were that the white spot that each of them had was on a different spot. So I look at these puppies...they're playing and biting things. All I kept seeing when I looked at them was my shoes being eaten, my furniture being destroyed and the endless poop and pee clean ups. I see the little puppy faces and I see my kids smiling and getting excited. So the lady asks me, which one do you want? Hell I dont know...they all look the same to me (and smell the same, blah! dirty puppy smell) so I ask whats the difference in the dogs. I know there are 2 boys and 1 girl. She said there really isnt any difference, only that she's heard that girl are more hyper and playful. I think it has more to do with training. I start thinking about how the boys may want to mark their territory in my house and I'm not feeling it. So the girl it is.
          I fill out my application and give her my fee and she gives me the shot papers and says make sure you follow up with the vet in 2 weeks. Thats it! I walked out with this stinky cute puppy and put her in my car and drive off. She's scared as I dont know what. I just ripped this poor dog from the only home shes ever known. I feel bad for her right now. So I drive to my house and I get her out. I try to get her to use the bathroom outside before I take her inside where I just know she's gonna piss as soon as I get her in the house. Nothing. So I figure we better go somewhere pet friendly to get supplies because I'm not leaving her alone in the house with nothing. So we go to overpriced petco. Got the food and the stuff, now its time to get the kids from school. We get home and of course they're so excited. The dog is scared shitless. She wont leave my side all night. Me and the kids gave her a bath. You just cant get that puppy smell out of her. So I put the kids to bed and it relax time for me and this nameless puppy. I tell my husband, I got this dog for you, so you have to name her.
              He gets home from work and he loves her. So we talk about the adoption experience and I said, so what are you going to name her? I threw some suggestions out there. He loved them. So we named her Vegas. The hubby just got back from a trip out there. So we put her in the dog bed in our room with us. I was so scared that she was going to pee or poop on the floor. We had no accidents all evening and I was sure it was coming. She was quiet and no accidents at all. She went outside in the morning and everything was all good. I'm starting to think she is going to be my good dog and maybe it isnt going to be a big problem. So here is a picture of her...

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