Monday, September 13, 2010

and so another week begins....

Just a little mindless trivia about the Dutch:

The Dutch will only eat one hot meal a day. If you arrive at a Dutch friend’s house around dinnertime, they might ask, “Heb je al warm gegeten?” which means “Have you eaten something hot already?” If you had a hot lunch, your friend will prepare a (cold) sandwich for you for dinner. You can not eat 2 hot meals per day.

I live by this concept completely. I can't tell you how many times my dinner consisted of spreadable cheese and crackers. Even though the hot meal is usually dinner, mine is usually lunch. Anyway....

I feel my two year itch coming early this year. About every two years I start to go stir crazy and need to go on a trip. My trip is usually to Maryland to visit family and friends. My last trip was this past January for my daughter's 5th birthday. I felt a little robbed on that trip and maybe that is why I feel the need to get outta dodge so early. We are hopefully going on a cruise to Alaska in 2012, but I wont last that long. Its like an internal sensor that goes off. If I don't get away, I start losing it. I have been like that since i was a kid. I think traveling is in my DNA. I feel for the most part that I have been robbed of my dreams of traveling. It's my own fault, but a part of me feels dead because I have had to sit still for so long. I can't wait for my children to get older. My dream is to eventually travel all over the world with them. My daughter loves going to new places and seeing new things. I don't know about my son yet, but I can only hope. Theres so many places to see and new things to experience.