Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Finally got some sleep

       Well if yesterday's post wasn't depressing enough! I finally got some much needed sleep today! I just couldn't get myself out of bed and actually slept in! It didn't help that I had a 2 yr old somebody get out of his own bed and crawl into mine at some point during the evening. There's nothing like getting beat up in your own bed all night long.
       Here is some insight into my last 4 1/2 years. So my hubby is a big time snorer. So much so that I am unable to fall asleep in a reasonable amount of time. I've always had trouble falling asleep, but after shacking up with him, it takes about 1 1/2 hrs for me to fall asleep. So all the while, I get to sit there listening to him try to take the paint off the walls. I know what his problem is, and I have encouraged him to get it taken care of. Well he is one of those people that had his last physical at age 15 or some crazy number like that. So to him, going to the doctor is out. Well this nagging went on for about 4 years. Fast forward to the latter part of 2010 when I snapped.
       I finally started getting super angry at the fact that I wasn't able to sleep. If I tried to go to bed early, he wanted to go to bed with me. If I wanted to stay up and watch a tv show, he would stay up to watch it so we could go to bed together. Sometimes if I did decide to go to bed way early, I would ask him to stay up so I could try to fall asleep first. That would last all of 15 minutes before he was in the room going to sleep. So basically none of my tactics worked. About 2 months ago, I started using a sleep mask and ear plugs. The ear plugs did work, but after a couple of days my ears started hurting a lot all day long. I started to actually lose my hearing as well. So I stopped using them and it took about a week for my ears to get better after that. So here I was stuck in the same situation again. I finally had enough. I started the lecture about his health and how we have kids and he needs to take better care of himself. And of course it got me nowhere.
           I love my bed. It's a fairly new king size bed. I have about $1000 worth of brand new linens and pillows on it that I got for Christmas this year. To me its super comfortable and I look forward to laying down in it every night. So I decided to stop going to bed. I know how important it was to him for me to be in bed with him every night, so I stopped going to bed. I knew when I started that, that I was going to be the one to pay for that. Anything else I sleep on will kill my back. So I started with the couch. He tried getting me to go to bed with him and I stood my ground. No, thank you, I'm sleeping on the couch tonight until you fix your problem. He would get upset and roll his eyes and go to bed. I would eventually fall asleep only to be woken up twice a night to him trying to get me to go to bed. I still held my ground. Well the couch almost made me not be able to walk, so I moved it to my daughters' room. One of the girls lives there part time, which means one of the twin beds is free during the week. So I started going to bed in there. By this time, he knew I was serious. He quit asking me to go to bed, but never once offered to sleep somewhere else so that I could enjoy a comfortable night in the bed that I loved. The room I just got done redecorating. The linens I picked out. Nope, not even once. So not only was I mad about everthing else, but I was fuming at his lack of chivalry. So my daughter's bed it was. I thought everday that I woke up and was able to walk was a miracle. That bed killed me. But it was not in vain. He finally called the doctor and made the appointment and what I had been telling him for 4 1/2 years was confirmed. I'll never understand why he believes what anyone else tells him and when I tell him, I get blown off.  So I started sleeping in the bed again. It still takes me 1 1/2 to fall asleep. I still get upset that he refuses to even give me one night of sleep by sleeping somewhere else in the house. He is one of those people that falls asleep in 2 min flat and it doesn't matter where he sleeps. To anyone else out there like that, I just want to say I hate you! :) So he has his sleep study appointment next week. I hope to God that they fix this. I'm not sure I can go another 4 1/2 yrs without a good night's sleep. I did remind him last night, that when we buy a house, I will get my own room. He insisted that he wouldn't allow it. We'll see how that works out. I really wish this was 1930's or whenever it was that couples slept in separate rooms. I just want to have a good night's sleep and function normally. I have survived having 2 kids, neither of which slept through the night until they were two years old. On top of that, a husband who could care less if I go insane or become depressed due to a lack of sleep. I think I'm going to start drinking.....bottoms up!

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