Thursday, August 19, 2010

ok seriously, whats the deal

So today is a little slow for me. So I decided to check out the blog world to see if I could find something entertaining to keep me busy. Every freakin blog is about religion and Jesus and saving yourself. What the hell? Is there some weird message for me here? I mean really...I actually do go to church, participate in activities and such. But lately I have come to start questioning things a lot. Not that this is new to me or anything, but I wish religion was cut and dry. My husband has always said I'm a closed minded person when it comes to religion. I beg to differ. I just call things how I see them and he gets mad. If you cant tell, we are from the same religion, different sects. I think there is too much politics in the church and I know that what we are being taught is from what others saw fit for us...kinda like school. Other people determine what they think you should know. this is a good take on how I feel about a lot of things in the church. George Carlin says it best. By no means am I anti God. I actually grew up in an atheist home and decided that was not all there is. I believe in the supernatural things. I believe in an after life. I believe in good and bad things and karma (which apparently is the work of God anyway).

I guess anyone reading this would be thinking I'm a complete nut case or totally anti religion or one fucked up Christian. I'm just venting about trying to find a blog that wasnt all about religion lol. So enjoy your day today and I'm going to find something else to do!

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