Monday, September 13, 2010

and so another week begins....

Just a little mindless trivia about the Dutch:

The Dutch will only eat one hot meal a day. If you arrive at a Dutch friend’s house around dinnertime, they might ask, “Heb je al warm gegeten?” which means “Have you eaten something hot already?” If you had a hot lunch, your friend will prepare a (cold) sandwich for you for dinner. You can not eat 2 hot meals per day.

I live by this concept completely. I can't tell you how many times my dinner consisted of spreadable cheese and crackers. Even though the hot meal is usually dinner, mine is usually lunch. Anyway....

I feel my two year itch coming early this year. About every two years I start to go stir crazy and need to go on a trip. My trip is usually to Maryland to visit family and friends. My last trip was this past January for my daughter's 5th birthday. I felt a little robbed on that trip and maybe that is why I feel the need to get outta dodge so early. We are hopefully going on a cruise to Alaska in 2012, but I wont last that long. Its like an internal sensor that goes off. If I don't get away, I start losing it. I have been like that since i was a kid. I think traveling is in my DNA. I feel for the most part that I have been robbed of my dreams of traveling. It's my own fault, but a part of me feels dead because I have had to sit still for so long. I can't wait for my children to get older. My dream is to eventually travel all over the world with them. My daughter loves going to new places and seeing new things. I don't know about my son yet, but I can only hope. Theres so many places to see and new things to experience.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

ok seriously, whats the deal

So today is a little slow for me. So I decided to check out the blog world to see if I could find something entertaining to keep me busy. Every freakin blog is about religion and Jesus and saving yourself. What the hell? Is there some weird message for me here? I mean really...I actually do go to church, participate in activities and such. But lately I have come to start questioning things a lot. Not that this is new to me or anything, but I wish religion was cut and dry. My husband has always said I'm a closed minded person when it comes to religion. I beg to differ. I just call things how I see them and he gets mad. If you cant tell, we are from the same religion, different sects. I think there is too much politics in the church and I know that what we are being taught is from what others saw fit for us...kinda like school. Other people determine what they think you should know. this is a good take on how I feel about a lot of things in the church. George Carlin says it best. By no means am I anti God. I actually grew up in an atheist home and decided that was not all there is. I believe in the supernatural things. I believe in an after life. I believe in good and bad things and karma (which apparently is the work of God anyway).

I guess anyone reading this would be thinking I'm a complete nut case or totally anti religion or one fucked up Christian. I'm just venting about trying to find a blog that wasnt all about religion lol. So enjoy your day today and I'm going to find something else to do!

Monday, August 16, 2010

why wooden shoes

For hundreds of years, wooden shoes, called klompen, were worn by most Dutch people for very practical purposes. Because much of Holland lies below sea level, there are a great many areas that are marshy and damp. It is from these areas that Holland, or its real name The Netherlands, meaning “low lands,” got its name.

Long ago, the Dutch people found that wooden shoes were ideal for walking on this damp, marshy ground. These shoes kept their feet drier than leather shoes and did not get ruined from the dampness as the leather ones did. Even though these wooden shoes are somewhat noisy to walk in, they are useful for farmers working in wet fields.

Most Dutchmen wear shoes like ours today; however, there are some small villages where wooden shoes are still worn. But they are used only outdoors and are left at the farmhouse door in neat rows while their owners walk around indoors in their stocking feet.

Not that I wear them, but i have owned a pair lol. Did I mention I picked up my kissing Dutch girl lawn ornament this weekend? Ah Ha Ha! I love it. Wait until I pair that up with my sleeping Mexican boy! (My husband is a Mexican/American)